You’ll find that we dress comfortably at South Ridge. You will see folks in jeans, shorts, and dress clothes. Feel free to show up in what you feel comfortable wearing. Sometimes the heat and air conditioning blowers can cause a chill, so a light sweater or jacket might be appropriate in the auditorium.
Parking is simple at our Fairmont Location. After coming up the driveway, feel free to park in any of the white-lined spots. Handicap parking is also available, as well as a drop off curb near the entrance to the parking lot.
First time visitors, feel free to park in the first time guest parking on the left hand side near the entrance to the parking lot.
Once inside the building, feel free to grab some coffee, a snack, and some mints if you'd like. There is always someone available to help in any way at the Welcome Center near the parking lot entrance/coffee bar area.
Once in the auditorium, it will be time to for the worship team to do their thing! Expect a Christ-centered worship experience led by a team of talented volunteer musicians playing music at a volume level you’d expect to hear at a small concert. All the songs are either about God or to God, and we’d love for you to sing along to the lyrics on the screens, but really you can respond to the worship in whatever way you are comfortable. Following the music (usually about 3 songs), one of our pastors will give a sermon lasting approximately 30 minutes, combining sound Biblical teaching with culturally relevant and practical life applications. Following the sermon, the worship team will close out the service with a couple more songs. Each service lasts approximately 1 hour.
After the service, you are welcome to hang out in the lobby or outside, drink more coffee, eat more snacks, and catch up with friends.